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​“One Up features 12 tracks in all and will defy easy categorization for fans of artistic pop music. Cheryl B. Engelhardt has woven her life into these songs and produced one heck of an album in the process. I can't wait to see what the future holds for her music.”​ READ MORE


Seattle PI

​“If you’re seeking some top notch piano-driven pop music, you need to get into Engelhardt’s entire collection, especially One Up. ” READ MORE


Richie Freeman of PENS EYE VIEW

​“Whether other writers and artists believe her and can follow her example, Engelhardt has found a great space in which to live her life statement of making music and sharing it with others. Through her e-course, albums and mentoring services, she holds a place in New York’s local music scene as a teacher and helpful influence for striving musicians.”​ READ MORE


Shanna Gibs of "ASK MISS A"


"One of the best CD’s of the year is not on a major label. In fact, it’s not on a label at all. It’s a self-produced, DIY effort from New York City piano songsmith Cheryl B. Engelhardt. The disc, Craving the Secondis her sophomore release and a major step forward. How in the world her name and this disc are still unknown is puzzling. On some songs she sounds like Alanis, on others she sounds like Michelle Branch and others she sounds like Anna Nalick. Craving the Second, is definitely in my Top 10 for CD of the year."


Resident Media Pundit 



​“She immediately blew me away! Her voice was beautifully melodic, crystal-clear, and genuine, and her lyrics painted impressionist paintings of love lost, day dreaming, storybook characters, overcoming barriers, and moving forward. I was not expecting such perfection and art from a sidewalk performance. Between songs I ran up and bought a CD - the best $10 I ever spent on music.”READ MORE


Paul Gagne, Blogger

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